Vườn Nhà Ngoại Homestay
Vườn Nhà Ngoại Homestay
Vườn Nhà Ngoại Homestay

Vườn Nhà Ngoại Homestay

A very modern homestay in the middle of an orchard in Cu Chi

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Grandmother’s Garden is not only familiar from the name, but right at the entrance, the tigo garden, the Sori room, the dishes cooked by the grandmother and even the owners and grandparents are as dear and open-hearted as the pink gate is ajar, unlocked here. The atmosphere at Grandma’s House is also different from the city, spacious, cool, full of fruit, with chickens and geese (or being chased and hurt by the children in the house).

FACILITIES: The Granny’s Garden is suitable for those who want to come play, enjoy the garden, cozy with family and friends, or simply breathe in the fresh air, lie in a hammock, and watch the beautiful scenery, the gecko moves, sees a bunch of red ripe rambutans on top of a tree and finds my heart here – full of peace.

The house is located in the middle of an orchard, currently has 4 rooms: Grapefruit Room, Mangosteen Room, Cherry Room, and Mango Room, with daily, weekly and monthly rates suitable for short vacations and working days, long term job.
